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Updated: Nov 25, 2019

We have grown a new branch! Using poems as a stimulus, if you are feeling creatively down then this project can act as your inspiration! This came out of the blue when someone sent us a poem, so we did a shout out for voices and artists and this is what we came up with!

We are so excited that so many people could and wanted to get involved, please tell us what you think, it’s all a bit rough and ready but if it acts as inspiration for anything, from getting out of bed to cooking dinner, please do let us know! And if not, what are your inspirations?

Our first artistic reaction is by Jos Felton.

Our second is by Jasmine Williams.

Our third is by Emma-Jane Weeks.

This is the final video with the voices recordings in the back-round. Read by @odhranmcnulty trying_to_be_remembered_fondly and @leonora_w_nicholson

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